Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Day fifteen


Decided to stop publishing my novel diary since no one is interested in it. I may or may not return to regular blogging once the novel is done.


Sleestak said...

Don't take lack of comments for lack of interest.

Walaka said...

Yah, what Sleestak said. And I can understand if you were to knock off the blog for the rest of November, what with the novel taking up so much time anyway and all, but I for one would miss you if you gave up blogging completely.

Maybe this is a good time to tell you that I used one of your columns in my classroom (I teach college composition). I am always trying to get my students to hook up with revision -- real revision, not just proofreading and editing. So I took the two versions of the Lois Lane/Amazons story that you posted a while back (here and there) and used them to demonstrate to the class how a writer could make significant changes to what was already a "finished" text. They dialled in pretty quickly to the differences in intent/audience that the revisions addressed. And they loved goofy Superman. I should say thanks!

Anonymous said...

I check for new entries in your blog every day. Didn't know you liked backtalk--not that I ever had anything interesting to say.

JP said...

Not lack of interest so much as the lack of anything really useful to say - I'm sure several other silent lurkers join me in saying that!

Anonymous said...

... and if you're looking at web traffic as an indicator, I read the RSS feed, not the web site.

Disintegrating Clone said...

It wasn't lack of interest, honest. I was stuck halfway up a German mountain with no wi-fi I could piggy back on. I've been cut off from the internet for ten days.

Please keep blogging, or I'll burst out crying.

Anonymous said...

Add me to those who've enjoyed your columns but really haven't thought of any good comments. ^^;