Thursday, October 13, 2005

How stupid is Superman?

When Wonder Woman gives up her powers in 1967 she goes to the Justice League to resign, and to tell them about a murder they might be interested in that she noticed along the way that implicates Green Arrow, but Superman is more concerned about how a civilian got into JLA headquarters. No wonder he thinks that putting on a pair of glasses is going to fool everyone when he can't recognise an old friend and colleague when she's not wearing her tiara.

Or maybe he just hasn't been looking at her face enough.


Ashtur said...

Gee, what's worse is that where Supes fails, Green Arrrow figures it out...

At this point, there are a good dozen jokes I can make at Ollie's expense, but I'll pass.

Marionette said...

That's what I thought, but subsequent panels make it clear that it is Flash who is saying that. He then completely blows this illusion of competence by thinking:

"I've always thought that some day Superman might marry her...Now, they've lost each other."

Snard said...

Glasses/tiara have nothing to do with identity recognition - it's all in the hairdo. Hey, it worked for Supergirl! And we know that Clark's glasses weren't the real disguise - it was that little curl of hair on Superman's forehead that make him look different. And Batman, Flash & Atom had the right idea by covering up their hair.

Anonymous said...

So he's not 'Supergeniousman' but I think the real story is fooling the World's Greatest Detective.

Axel M. Gruner said...

"I've always thought that some day Superman might marry her...Now, they've lost each other."

How come Flash knew that, and "§%§$ Lois Lane not?

Anonymous said...

'He then completely blows this
illusion of competence by

"I've always thought that some
day Superman might marry
her...Now, they've lost each

See, Barry Allen was a bit of a geek. Police Scientist who read comic books. I think it's in character for him to deduce who the civilian is while not knowing much about Wonder Woman's romantic prospects.

Scipio said...

" How stupid is Superman?"

Seeing that made me laugh very hard!

Touche, Marionette!

Emerald Towers said...

ah mari I missed your little meanderings. searching for your old cir-el gem led me to ye. glad to see ye again.

This would be that irritating green arrow luvin nutjob derithian by the way.

yarr let me just say it be good to read your random obsessions and yet amazingly well thought out stuff. I'll be reading more of ye fer sher

Marionette said...

If Supergirl continues to be as bad as the first two issues, I may be tempted to start a "Bring back Cir-El" campaign.

Anonymous said...

It's Jeph Loeb.

Do you really think it'll get ANY better?