Okay, it was a real temptation just to leave it at that.
I've seen this image knocking around the web but I have never read the comic (or comics - Greg Land isn't too proud to reuse an image he's photoshopped) it's from, so I have no idea of the context. And I was trying to work out what could possibly be going through the mind of Sue Richards to occasion such an expression.
Here's a few of my attempts to define her mood.

Try it yourself. It's fun.
If I weren't at work... oh the naughtiness...
If it weren't for Johnny in the background, I'd SWEAR that was Black Canary...
"I so totally wish I had a cosmically-enhanced butt like Hal Jordan!"
If it weren't for Johnny in the background, I'd SWEAR that was Black Canary...
Hey, this is Swipemaster Supreme Greg Land. In another comic it probably IS Black Canary.
It wouldn't be the first time he's used the same image for different pictures.
Hell, he's done it in the same comic before now.
I'm not sure there's a record of him using the same swipe for two different characters in the same comic, but it's something to look out for.
It looks like a blow-up doll made expressly for that realistic rubber latex fellatio feeling.
Greg Land is far more offensive artistically than liefield. If there were artistic justice in the world, he'd be making a porn-themed fanzine in the obscurity of his mom's basement instead of being, you know, inexplicably one of the most famous comcis artists working today.
"Wow! I'm like Pop-Art without the ironic subtext!"
"In another comic it probably IS Black Canary."
ROTFLOL, and so true!
"I'm not sure there's a record of him using the same swipe for two different characters in the same comic, but it's something to look out for."
I'm certain scans_daily has documented this as well (one of the characters from the issue in question was Jean Grey if that narrows it down at all) but I didn't come across it...ahem, I mean I didn't find it while searching their archives.
A dislocated jaw is the only possible explanation.
How about:
"Ohhh, myGOODNESS! I left the children with Reed while I went off to join The Revolution!"
Or - "Johnny just goosed me! He is SO dead...."
Or finally, in the not-quite-shameless pandering department - "Wow! The newest JD Robb is out - two weeks early!" (Shameless pandering would have been if I'd said "Tamora Pierce book".... :D )
Tim Liebe
Dreaded Spouse-Creature of Tamora Pierce - and co-author of Marvel's upcoming WHITE TIGER comic!
"Oh my God! I finally got what Maslow meant by 'self-actualization'!"
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